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Facebook for Grandparents

If you didn't grow up with a computer and the Internet, Facebook can be…


  • Confusing?

  • A little scary?

  • Too hard to get started?

  • Not for me?


​Once you finish our Facebook for Grandparents Workshop, Facebook will be...


  • A great way to keep in frequent touch with your children and grandchildren!

  • An on demand source of community!

  • A good source of news that's tailored to your individual taste!

  • A way to play Scrabble, Chess, and other games with your friends in far away places!

  • Really fun!


The Facebook for Grandparents Workshop typical experience:


  • We'll start with a chat about your familiarity with computers and the Internet, your interests and concerns, and your current means of communication with your children, grand children and distant friends and relatives.

  • We'll sit down at your computer, in your home and get familiar with a web browser.

  • We'll walk through and talk about setting up your own private Facebook page.

  • We'll find "content," and I'll show you how to find more, that is tailored to your interests and ability.

  • We'll talk about getting comfortable and familiar with how Facebook works

  • We'll get you familiar with the basic "rules of the road" for making a smooth entry into the world of Facebook communications.


In our ninety minute private session in your home, I'll show you, coach you, and watch you as you learn how to...


  1. Set up a profile

  2. Connect with friends and family

  3. Upload pictures to share

  4. Save pictures on your computer

  5. Post updates

  6. Send private messages

  7. Comment on others' updates and pictures

  8. Block unwanted information apps and games

  9. Set your privacy settings

  10. Customize your Facebook page to work for you

  11. Chat

Once we've finished our session, you are NOT on your own! I'll be one of the first of your growing legion of Facebook friends, watching and participating as you take your first few walks around the Facebook block. I'll be available to you by phone, answering your questions, walking you through any issues you might have, and making sure that you're happy and comfortable in your new and exciting role as a social media participant!


I'm an enthusiastic instructor who has been helping people of all ages with their electronic gadgets and computers since 1980.


The workshop costs $150 and includes the ninety minute session, telephone support for two weeks, and email/Facebook help on a generous, as available basis. Follow up home visits and additional telephone support subscriptions are available.


This workshop also makes a great gift! We can accept credit cards over the telephone if you would like to purchase a training session for your mom, dad, grandmother or grandfather.


(860) 595-C3PO • (781) 989-2373

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